• While primarily operating in Carolinas, with strong markets and submarkets macro research and extensive broker relationships – we create that steady supply of apartment deals that needs new life breathed into them.
  • While partnering up with out-of-state experienced groups after disciplined underwriting, analysis and due diligence, we close on the property using a combination of our funds, investor funds and debt financing.
  • We seek risk mitigated strong annualized returns for our investors; all our investments are backed by the real estate


  • After we close, our property management and operations teams start executing the business plan to maximize Net Operating Income (NOI) and forced appreciation.
  • Our goal is to complete repositioning in first 18-24 months of the ownership and creating value strategies. After 6 months of seasoning of the stabilized property we may pursue refinancing if that makes sense, to return investor capital while they continue to maintain equity stakes in the asset.


  • Our asset management and property management teams continues to oversee day to day operations at the property while investors enjoy the benefits of owning a cash flow positive asset.
  • Investors receive quarterly newsletters with updates on the property and market, along with their distributions of cash flow.


  • Typical project lifecycles are 5-7 years. Potential exit strategies include sale or refinance to return investor capital plus any additional gains, or transition property into longer-term hold to capitalize on cash flow distributions.
  • Rinse & repeat for passive wealth building.